Sunday, March 27, 2011


Ah, the things I've missed.  Where do I start?  Well, if you know me, then you know that I spend a lot of time with a couple things.  As of late I haven't been able to get on my bike, get in the pool, or go for a run.  To say that I miss these things is a little ridiculous to some people.  But for me, these three things are what I look forward to everyday.  As a friend of mine remarked about a new photo I posted on FB, "I saw you taking pics, looked like you were in love."  I was taking pictures of my bike.

Today marks the 2 year anniversary of the snowball that started this all... My first triathlon.  SuperSeal to be exact.  I competed in bike shorts and a T shirt for the bike, and board shorts and no shirt for the run (man I was cool).  I was hooked.  Last year on this day, the snowball getting pretty large,  I set a PR at the half iron distance.  SuperFrog.  4th out of the water overall, and led until about the middle of the run.  I was even more hooked.  This year I would have loved to have done SuperSeal to mark the anniversary and to warm up for IM St George.  But as you probably know I have a large scar on my shoulder and some metal holding my collarbone together, and can't do either.  It's been about a 4 weeks since the surgery.  What would have really made it better was that the guy that passed me on the run with less than a mile to go at SDIT last year raced here today. Revenge..  Oh well.

Instead of racing, today I got on my bike.  I rode my trainer for really the first time (last night didn't count).  It felt great.  I never thought I'd enjoy riding my bike inside on a sunny day.  I found a smile on my face right away.  It went so well in fact that I went to the Y right after and slid into the pool.  As soon as I did, I realized I didn't know what to do.  So I kicked.  I kicked some more, and then I kicked a little more after that.  (The new Aqua Sphere goggles were very comfortable, and they have a pink strap) It felt so great to be in the water again.  I have really missed that.  Alot.

This morning made a mistake,  I went to Costco around 10.  Terrible time to go to there.  No samples, lot's of old people.  That took forever.  I don't miss that.  But now I can cook again.  I haven't been doing this a lot lately.  I blame it on my bum wing (thanks Cory).  Something fresh off the grill and lunch for tomorrow.  Great.

Finally, I think my motivation is back.  We'll see how long that lasts.  Up at 5 to go for a run.  We'll see if that's a good idea.

This coming weekend is the start of Ironman expo's that are going to take me all of the country.  Spending tons of time on the road and training should be a fun balance.  Loving my new job.

These are a few of the things I have missed.  Training, cooking, enjoying work...

Trainer party anybody?  

Starting to get better, faster, and stronger...

Always Awesome

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Here I sit 35 days post flying over my handle bars into a one handed cartwheel (that I didn't even know I could do) saving my face, my head, and surely my confidence of riding my bike.  18 days post surgery where a metal plate and 5 screws were placed on top of my collar bone to stabilize and ensure a proper union of the two sides. 14 days post starting my new job with Aqua Sphere.   

These last five weeks have been tough, and some difficult decisions have been made, most for the better, some to just be realistic.  First being the decision to have surgery, for me this was a no brainer.  The research I did found me exactly what the doctors told me and I was an eager subject from the moment I was given a choice.  Second being the decision to relinquish $400 and my entry to Ironman St George.  This was very difficult for me, and though I don't show much emotion and tears don't form in my eyes (other than when the national athem is played),  this was a time that I felt a great sadness to give up on something I had worked so hard to prepare for.  Third being one that I won't speak of but most definitely the hardest and will undoubtedly make my life even more difficult in the coming weeks and months.  

The realization that this injury has set me back even further than initially thought it would, has been very difficult. This injury has taken away the glue that holds my day to day life together (or so I have found). I haven't been out of the water this long since I was a senior in high school.  I haven't gone this long without physical activity since I was a child, or this could possibly be the longest I've gone in my 29 years.  I am happy to have an obstacle such as this to over come though.  "Only the strong survive", "pain is weakness leaving the body", "what doesn't kill me will only make me stronger",  and (most recently a new favorite of mine) "Harden the F#@k Up"...  Call it what you will, or use what you need.  Keeping an eye on the prize has kept me going.  I know I'll get back on my bike. I know I'll get back in the water.  I know I'll get back to running.  All just as soon as my body is ready for it.  This is the advice given to me by many, and what I have chosen to follow.  I can't wait to feel the aches and pains after a hard workout. I can't wait to put my appetite to good use.  I can't wait to go faster.  

This week I will ease my way back into the water (one armed), get back on the trainer, and attempt the treadmill or may the elliptical.  I am ready to start the climb to get back to where I was.  On a path to success.  

So many people have been helpful while I have been out.  I can't thank everybody enough for all you have done.  

Soon enough I hope to see you all out on the road.  I hope to see you all in the water.  I hope to see you all at the races.  

Just keep getting better, stronger, faster... 

-Always Awesome.. 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Tour de Fracture my Clavicle...

Just figuring that my having a whole bunch of extra time on my hands with my sudden stop in training for Ironman St George, I would try my hand at laying out my rebuilding phase.  Faster, Stronger, Awesomer...

What began as a bet from my employer, that he could beat me at the IM distance, turned into an all out attempt to push my body to it's limits.  3 months of building with the guidance of my coach Brian Maiorano from Triathlon Lifestyle Coaching, I reached a level of fitness I didn't know I could.  Riding my 3rd century ever under 5 hours with over 6500' of climbing, was a milestone that turned my motivation up a notch.  Running up to 30 miles a week and riding over 180 was a big load for me.  I was getting stronger day by day, and at the pace I was swimming, running, and riding my goals were well within sight.

Unfortunately, just over 3 months into my training I was struck by another cyclist on a ride, and I ended up with a broken clavicle. After about a week and a half in a sling trying to figure out life without my right arm, yesterday was finally the day where I met the Orthopedic Surgeon.  In this week and a half, I had plenty of time to do my research and figure out what my options where.  It was an easy decision with the assistance and recommendation of two surgeons, to go through with having a plate surgically installed on my clavicle.  This gives me a better chance of a full recovery without any future complications than the alternative of just waiting it out.  Tuesday the 1st of March I will go under the knife and begin a quick road to recovery.

At this point I am very torn at which way to turn with just over 10 weeks until Ironman St George.  I would really like to push through the recovery with lots of time on my trainer and "running" on an elliptical.  On the other hand, my goals for this race are in question at this point.  I won't be able to swim for at least 6 weeks.  With this, I would be afforded 2-3 weeks of rehab and getting up my speed and endurance to be ready for a 2.4 mile swim.

With the great uncertainty of recovery time and a lack of help from IM, it is now a question of costs.  The race is already paid for.  Lodging and travel will be an additional cost.  Not to mention the cost for my family who planned to be there to support me.

I will get back on my bike (trainer) shortly after my surgery and get started on regaining my strength on the bike, and see what I can do with running.

I'm looking forward to a challenge and making my final decision further down the road.  I couldn't do this without the awesome support system I have.  My family, my friends, my coach, and most importantly my girlfriend Katie.  Thank you, thank you, thank you... Here we go.. Faster, Stronger, Awesomer...
